Pedicab Advertising At San Francisco 49ers NFL Games
San Francisco 49ers NFL games attract crowds of thousands to the San Francisco Bay area during the NFL season. Cabrio Taxi’s San Francisco pedicab advertising platform gives you the chance to reach this captive and attentive audience with a personal and friendly touch. Our San Francisco pedicabs can be styled with your custom outdoor advertising, acting as a mobile billboard that also offers a useful service. With your outdoor advertisements on our pedicabs, your business makes more than just an impression, instead you form a lasting connection with our riders.
The range and depth of connection is up to your company. It can be as simple as your brand featured on our pedicabs, to services that have a more personal touch. A free ride campaign can have San Francisco 49ers fans associating your brand with that type of generosity. If your product benefits from being in the hands of your audience, we can pass out samples and marketing materials too. Our goal is to turn 49ers fans and NFL fans into being fans of your product too!
Our pedicab drivers are professionals and are more than capable of acting as brand ambassadors for your company to San Francisco 49ers and NFL fans. These skilled drivers will ensure that NFL attendees will associate their friendliness and professionalism to your brand. Our unique form of Bay Area OOH advertising cuts through the typical visual landscape of the city. They are dynamic mobile billboards that can range from simple signage to elaborate transformations of our bike taxis. This San Francisco OOH advertising will catch the attention of potential riders as well as all those they pass by.
These pedicabs are an environmentally friendly and whimsical form of transportation that also makes for an effective from of outdoor marketing. You can benefit from having your advertising on our bike taxis, giving you a full team of mobile billboards ready to make a touchdown for your San Francisco OOH marketing that residents and visitors to cheer on.
We offer a variety of San Francisco pedicab advertising services to choose from, including our standard wrapped pedicabs, street team services, digital billboard bikes, sample distribution, sign bikes, digital backpack ads, golf carts, custom installations, and more! However you want to appeal to Sn Francisco 49ers and NFL fans, we can help you bring it to life.