Pedicabs in San Francisco & National News
In the San Francisco Bay Area Press
Unique San Francisco Travel Options for Meeting Attendees - 2015 by San Francisco Travel
The History of Pedicabs in San Francisco - 2015 by pedicabsf.com
S.F. pedicab driver 'a hero’ in his Batman suit - Apr. 2015 by SF Chronicle
A day in the life: A pedicab driver - Aug. 2013 by KALW
Pedicabs get OK to stretch across San Francisco - May 2013 by SFBay.ca
San Francisco Pedicabbers Pick Up Speed - May 2013 by Mission Local
Human Powered, Eco-Friendly Rides - Mar. 2013 by SF To Do
Biking the Bay: “Pedicabs Will Be a Part of SF Culture” - Jan. 2013 by Huffington Post
Pedicabs: A Highly Regulated Industry -- in One Neighborhood - Dec. 2012 by SF Weekly
Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay in a Pedicab - Oct. 2012 by Il Fornaio blg
An Update on Pedicabs - Sep 2012 by Hoodlne
Pedicab Transportation Becomes Local! - Sep. 2012 by San Francisco Real Estate Blog
Rickshaws, Elvis, and Outside Lands: The History of Pedicabs - Jul. 2012 by esurance blog
Pedicabs may wheel their way into the Richmond District, other parts of city - May 2012, Richmond SF Blog
On the Waterfront, a Pedicab Skirmish Erupts - Aug. 2011 by NY Times
Pedicab Operators Feud Over Permits, Licenses - Aug 2011 by ABC Local
More pedicabs coming to Embarcadero - Mar. 2010 by SF Examiner
New Pedicab Policy in San Francisco Invites New Routes and Businesses - Feb. 2010 by SF Streets Blog
Will San Francisco Review Its Uneasy Relationship With Pedicabs? - Dec. 2009 by SF Streets Blog
In National and International News
Three veterans riding through the desert in August for good cause - Aug. 2016 by The Press Enterprise
Pedicab company finds new market in 'Pokemon Go' players - Jul. 2016 by Coloradoan
New York by Pedicab... a 15-Minute Interview on the Run - Jun. 2016 by Huffington Post
Pedicab driver saves woman, chases sexual assault suspect in Downtown Austin - Jun. 2016 by KEYETV
The Soul of a Pedicab Driver - May 2016 by Carl Etnier on Sheldon Brown
Pedicab Drivers Pedal The Lawless Downtown Frontier - May 2016 by Houston Press
Assphalt: Do Pedicab Drivers Make ANY Money? - May 2016 by Seattle Weekly
Of murals and pedicabs: From museum to eskinitas - May 2016 by The Philippine Star in Manila, Philippines
Bill Allows Pedicabs To Have Motors - May 2016 by CBS Local in St. Paul, Minn.
Tourism boom paves way for increase in pedicabs - May 2016 by Times Colonist in Victoria, BC
My Night as a Pedicab Driver - Apr. 2016 by Willamette Week in Portland, OR
Emanuel moves to close legal loophole exploited by pedicabs - Feb. 2016 by Chicago Sun Times
With Pedicab, Driver Makes a Life in New York City - Jan. 2016 by Wall Street Journal in NYC, NY
Horses yes, pedicabs no in heart of NYC’s Central Park - Jan. 2016 by RT.com
Pedicabs, not yet hopeless, plead with de Blasio for seat at the table - Jan. 2016 by Politico New York in NYC, NY
De Blasio’s Central Park pedicab ban will kill the industry: critics - Jan. 2016 by New York Post in NYC, NY
Pedicab crackdown coming - May. 2015 by The San Diego Union-Tribune in San Diego, CA
Pedicab operators sue New York City over excess ticketing - Mar. 2015 by Reuters in NYC, NY
Five Ways to Avoid Getting Scammed by an Unscrupulous Pedicab Driver - Jan. 2013 by Slate in NYC, NY
NYC mayor hits brakes on pedicab rates decision - Dec. 2012 by Associated Press in NYC, NY
Pedicab Companies Around the World
Pedicab United - Our Parent Company - Nationwide
Las Vegas Rickshaw | Our Las Vegas Branch
Austin Pedicab Ads | Our Austin, TX Branch
Midnight Riders Boston Pedicabs | Our Boston Branch
Los Angeles Pedicabs | Our Los Angeles and Orange County Branch
Chicago Pedicab Ads | Our Chicago Branch
My Pedicab Tour | Our Nationwide Tour Booking Site
And more to come as we grow our family of pedicab companies nationwide!
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Further Directories
"Cycle Rickshaw" by Wikipedia
"Rickshaws in the United States" by Wikipedia
"Pedicab" by Wiktionary
"Pedicab" by Free Dictionary
"Pedicab" by Meriam-Webster
Pedicab Service by Entrepreneuer
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