San Francisco Wedding Faire at the Ritz
Last year, Geoff and I made great strides in working with clients to provide premium pedicab service to couples tying the knot in San Francisco. With such positive feedback, we decided to make our names known in the wedding world by exhibiting at the Modern Luxury Bridal Faire at the Ritz Carlton on January 6th. It was definitely a day to remember. [fancy_images width="200" height="150"] [image title="Geoff" alt="Geoff at the Ritz"]http://cabriotaxi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/geoff-rickshaw.jpg[/image] [image title="Wedding Booth" alt="Cabrio Wedding Exhibit"]http://cabriotaxi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/wedding-booth.jpg[/image] [image title="Stan" alt="Stan at the Ritz"]http://cabriotaxi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Rickshaw-e1357627879929.jpg[/image]
The day started at around 7:00 am in the shop, making sure we had all the pictures, brochures, and materials we needed for the exhibit. I loaded up the car with materials and Geoff rode the recently cleaned pedicab up the crazy hill on California Street to the Ritz. It was a pretty impressive sight. Getting the pedicab into the Ballroom proved to be another challenge, which was meet by Geoff and hotel staff that had to carry the pedicab down some steps.
Once in the Ballroom, we where pleasantly surprised to find out that our space was bigger then expected, and took advantage. During slow times, we where able to give rides inside the Ballroom! It was pretty amazing. We were able to talk to several wedding professionals in the area as well as brides to be looking for a unique way to get around for their wedding. All in all we had a great time and are looking forward to our next wedding fair on January 20th at the Four Seasons - San Francisco Wedding Fair. See you there!
Visit Jutta's blog to find a very detailed recap on the days exhibitors - Wedding Woof